Howdy folks! What started as a series of conversations to maintain our cheery dispositions during a global pandemic morphed into a podcast...which became much, much more! We're pleased to bring you 100 episodes (and counting!) of this analytical yet fun-loving educational podcast! Hopefully you'll discover new Disney films, re-visit some old favorites, and learn a thing or two about screenwriting along the way. Every movie starts as an idea on a page. As two emerging screenwriters with academic degrees, we set out on a quest to figure out what makes a movie work with an audience - and we could not think of a better way than by analyzing the stories we love best.
We're pleased to announce that in addition to this podcast, we are actively working with McFarland & Company to produce a book based on the findings of our work.
And hey - check out this blog! If you've listened to our podcast, you know we resist going down very interesting rabbit holes, but we can't promise that about this space. Sometimes we get great fan questions - and we'd love to explore answers right here.
All the while, we are busy creating our own scripts and screenplays, teaching courses to students, and daydreaming on our daily walks - but mostly about how we can't wait to get back to the Disney Parks.
Gratitude doesn't begin to cover it. We simply could not do what we do here without the love of our community of fans, collaboration with our colleagues, and unparalleled support from our families. We always say the best Disney films contain the theme of redemptive love - and this little project demonstrates how joy is born from mutual encouragement and friendship. Thank you for being here. Click away on the site. We'll see ya real soon!